Property maintenance is a demanding task. Those managing property maintenance require specialist knowledge and expertise. The nature of the job is that many matters are dealt with all at once. The manager relies on others to complete their work, safely and on time and in the set price range. With a property maintenance software the complex job of property management can be achieved efficiently and competently. Dwellant’s bespoke software for property maintenance companies provides peace of mind and security that your building and its maintenance is in the best of hands.
Property Maintenance Companies experience ever increasing demand on their capacities and expertise in a fast paced and ever changing landscape. Property maintenance is a multi-facetted field which requires expert knowledge and the handling of many different tasks simultaneously. To keep track of the maintenance management an adequate software is needed that supports the maintenance companies in their work.
Dwellant know how challenging property maintenance can be and have created an online software for all property managers to use. It is simple and effective and created to make the life of the property maintenance company this much easier.
With Dwellant’s software for property maintenance companies it becomes easy to manage your contractor data-base, place works orders, follow all works instructed and pay invoices swiftly.
Contractor management is only one of the tools provided to the manager or agent when using Dwellant’s software for property maintenance companies. The process starts with the selection of property maintenance companies which have been previously vetted, that are nearby and who have knowledge of the property or estate and the task at hand. A simple drop down menu allows the user to choose from the maintenance companies that are known to the business and building and whom you trust to do the work.
Quotes can be sought from different suppliers. Dwellant’s software for property maintenance companies makes it easy to request a quote from multiple providers and receive proposals back with relevant cost and details related to the work. The property manager can then easily choose the quote they wish to accept and the software then automatically sends a notification to the contractors that have not been chosen. A works instruction is quickly created for the contractors whose quote you wish to accept.
The property maintenance company, the building staff and residents and contractor can follow the work-flow live and online. The contractor can update on work progress, and finally, once the job is complete, submit his invoice very swiftly. Dwellant’s software for property maintenance companies promotes positive work relations and offers solutions for swift, intelligence work processes.
With submission of the invoice the maintenance task is completed. The invoice can be viewed online and checked against the maintenance instruction. Once the invoice is accepted, the payment process simply completed on the software dashboards. There are multi level sign off stages available and the contractor knows at all times where in the process the payment of his invoice is at.
The property management team can also use Dwellant’s software for property maintenance companies to create annual contract and contract instructions for routine maintenance contracts.
On instruction of both works orders and contracts there is the ability to manage the required health and safety of the maintenance work. As needed risk assessments and method statements can be requested, and the review process of the H&S documentation managed.
Payment of invoices process shows the invoice, has a link to the instruction for cross referencing. It provides the pre populated fields linking the invoice to the relevant budget. The relevant tax can be added, even split tax amounts calculated.
User dashboards allow for simple overview of invoices and maintenance tasks outstanding. Reports can be run for the outstanding tasks and utilised in management reports, team and client meetings.
Dwellant’s software for property maintenance companies makes communication with property owners and tenants a priority. All residents can with registration receive maintenance news and updates regularly. Secured registration gives leaseholders the ability to view service charges together with all documentation related to the annual maintenance budgets set by the management company. Those who wish can pay the fees online.
The portal allows for documents holding and publication for the groups who require to see them or download copies. Access to upload documents and files and pictures is given to both agents and Managing Companies.
Where a Board of Directors is elected to run the Residential Management Company a special folder is dedicated to the Board’s activities. Access to the management files is also provided at any time. Dwellant’s software for property maintenance companies allows to create a ‘Director's corner’. This area within the platforms allows to save, store, update files relevant to the building and the residential board’s responsibilities.
Individuals living in the property or property owners can report any maintenance requests for the property via the portal. Any inquiry is logged and the manager is alerted to the inquiry through the portal dashboard and via email alert. Once a request is logged it can be picked up by the manager and converted into a work order; any communication that follows form the original request is recorded to progress is transparent and instantly accessible.
It is recognised that different groups require different levels of access to the platform and its files. For example will the leaseholder be able to view all financial information, relating to the property as a whole or one’s individual apartment(s) only. Tenants who rent will be able to access vital information needed in relation to living at the property, access arrangements, community and communal living. Residential Board Directors, developers, property managers as well as their administrators have further, higher access level to the platform. Dwellant’s software for property maintenance companies permits varying degrees of access and sign off levels, to suit the individual business and property.
Dwellant’s software for property maintenance companies is versatile and easy to use. The property manager and those who maintain the property can make use of the software’s features to organise and automate tasks. The system sends out reminders to external entities suppliers, consultants, advisors or others engaged in the upkeep of the property. This is to remind of a work instruction, a maintenance date or required and related paperwork. Where a planned maintenance programme is established for the property repeat event dates are set and reminders are automated to ensure all parties are kept up to date and act as agreed.
Dwellant’s software for property maintenance companies has easy-to-use dashboards that aid the task management and flow. Task counts show the tasks which have come in new. A log is kept of those tasks that are outstanding or become due to complete.
Health & Safety plays an ever increasing role in the maintenance of a building. Due diligence and good management principles govern the day to day management of health and safety. Dwellant’s software for property maintenance companies provides the manager with tools to provide sound health and safety management. Frequent reminders can be set for regular checks and maintenance. Risk assessments and method statements can be integrated in the work order process. Health and safety reports can be downloaded from the system, sent via email or provided as part of a larger system report.
Without in-built health and safety and compliance capabilities may lead to unsafe working practices with potentially catastrophic results. Dwellants’ software for property maintenance companies has an integrated option to link risk assessments and method statements to the work order process. This way on-site staff, office staff and contractors can all access and review documents as needed, and relevant permit to work documents can be issued quickly and accurately.
Our platform allows maintenance contractors to view any identified health and safety hazards on site, including the presence of asbestos and any unprotected areas. The health and safety information is held on the building maintenance software program for all relevant parties to see and share.
The ‘frequent event’ function for routine surveys and patrol checks provides the team on-site with structure to their working day. Whether these are for common parts site inspections, security patrols, or health and safety checks, site managers can download a monthly report for onward transmission to head office management and ultimately to the client as needed. The results of such inspections and surveys provide useful data for regular tool-box talks and training. Any reports are immediately accessible and downloadable from Dwellant’s bespoke software for property maintenance companies. Thus it is ideal to be used for team or client or contractor meetings.
A health and safety dashboard allows a building manager to see outstanding health and safety tasks and actions, whether they relate to fire safety, water hygiene, asbestos, utility safety or working at height. Actions resulting from risk assessments, surveys and inspection reports are extracted by the portal and the necessary parties can view them, delegate them, mark them as ‘in progress’ and close them off once completed. The use of one system for on-site as well as off-site management means delegation to those at the coal face helps to spread the workload and accelerate its completion. As necessary, risk assessors themselves, the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), the fire service and others can be given access to this Dwellant dashboard to view the courses of action prior to a health and safety incident or an accident. Near-misses as well as accidents can be recorded on Dwellant, to aid safer working practices in the future.
Automated, repeat messages from Dwellant’s software for property maintenance companies are sent to team members at set frequencies. This facilitates the collation of such data for internal statistical analysis, safety reporting and prompting of actions outstanding.
Dwellant’s software for property maintenance companies facilitates the connection between onsite staff and the management office and manager. Where onsite staff are employed the system acts as a bridge between the agent’s back office and the front desk serving the residents and leaseholders of a property. Staff use the website’s functionality to ensure excellent communication with residents, report on maintenance matters, record routine checks and health and safety inspections. Data is securely kept on the website as the system replaces previous, unsecure and unreliable paper based systems. On site staff have access to the wealth of documents and information stored on the website. It facilitates the team’s daily tasks and assist in the smooth running of the concierge or front desk operation.
Dwellant’s team has created various tools to make the work of the onsite team easier to manage. It’s software for property maintenance companies is well thought out and has the manager’s daily tasks in mind.
Dwellant’s plug-in CSite allows property managers and on-site staff to conduct site surveys on a tablet. Actions populate Dwellant upon synchronisation. Concierge HV and MV seamlessly manage your on-site key, package and visitor obligations. All Dwellant plug-ins fully integrate with our central cloud-based software.
Csite is the ultimate building inspection tool embedded in Dwellant’s software for property maintenance companies. It has been developed especially for property and estate managers who wish to carry out swift and accurate site inspections.
Once you have set up a template for each building, there are three simple steps to complete.
The Csite site inspector embedded in Dwellant’s software for property maintenance companies operates anywhere with offline use. The app is downloaded on a phone or tablet and is ready to use. Using the app saves valuable time for the site surveyor. The survey and report are geo-location tracked and logged immediately, saving 90% office admin time. All data be stored where you can make it work for you and your clients.
The management tasks following on from your site visit are simple. The Csite app turns tasks into work orders there and then. The app and its functions are easy to learn and use. New staff are swiftly trained to use the tool. Csite ensures consistency of data across all teams and buildings. It provides safe and secure storage of surveys and reliable end-to-end reporting.
Csite works on any Android and IOS device; it removes all need for site inspection write ups. The inspector can work offline and synchronise the report and all photos and data once back in reception range or back in the office. Questions linked to assets and historic asset data can be saved and followed up easily, and any work orders that result from the queries can be issued immediately. The app allows the creation of template content and specific questions to ensure continuity across your portfolios.
A simple link to the Dwellant’s software for property maintenance companies allows integration and seamless, automatic reporting of all on-site issues. Defects management has never been so easy. Geo and time stamp validate the report and make it usable for explicit uses including witness statements. Once the site survey is finalised, instructions are ready to be assigned to the contractor. The synchronised content from the site inspections is kept ready on Dwellant to be expanded on or shared with others.
Dwellant’s software for property maintenance companies is based in the Cloud so it can be accessessed any time, anywhere.
Software security is a top priority at Dwellant. Our ISO 20071 certification gives our clients and software users the assurance that all data and user functionality is protected by the highest security features. It is our qualified staff who develop all features, they maintain it and improve the software over time.
Data protection is addressed via a signed agreement between Dwellant and the client . This states that the client has the legal right to disclose all personal data that it does in fact disclose to Dwellant under or in connection with this agreement and further that the client shall fully comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR Act 2016. Dwellant warrants that it will act only on instructions of the client in relation to the processing of any Personal Data performed by Dwellant’s software for property maintenance companies on behalf of the client. That it has in place reasonably appropriate security measures (both technical and organisational) against unlawful or unauthorised processing of Personal Data. The web service is protected using security systems and technologies which include a Hardware Firewall configured with the minimum standard rule set and a software firewall configured to protect systems and restrict traffic to the minimum protocols. Further is administrative access given through a secure site and appropriate rules for password security enabled. Regular security monitoring and configuration checks are carried out.
Property maintenance is a demanding task. Those managing property maintenance require specialist knowledge and expertise. The nature of the job is that many matters are dealt with all at once. The manager relies on others to complete their work, safely and on time and in the set price range. With a property maintenance software the complex job of property management can be achieved efficiently and competently. Dwellant’s bespoke software for property maintenance companies provides peace of mind and security that your building and its maintenance is in the best of hands.